Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions for the provision of health care

Stomatologie Ujec s.r.o.,
registered office at Starý Brázdim 40, 250 63 Brázdim,
ID No: 083 11 030,
entered in the Commercial Register
kept by the Municipal Court in Prague
Section C, Insert 316706
(hereinafter the “provider”).

These terms and conditions (hereinafter the “conditions”) govern the contractual relationship between the health service provider and the patient – client (recipient of health services).

A patient is any natural person who is provided with health services in accordance with these terms and conditions. The patient or their legal representative(s) or guardian is a person with full legal capacity.

The term “doctor” means the attending healthcare professional acting on behalf of the provider, both in the position of a dentist and a dental hygienist.

Medical facility means the provider’s premises intended for the provision of health services, located at Starý Brázdim 40, 250 63 Brázdim.

The provider provides the patient with medical health services (hereinafter the “treatment”, “care”, “examination”) on the basis of Act No 372/2011 on health services and the conditions for their provision (the Health Services Act), as amended, and additional paramedical services on the basis of specialised education of non-medical health professionals in accordance with Act No 96/2004 on the conditions for obtaining and recognising qualification to perform non-medical health professions and activities related to health care and amending certain related acts (the Paramedical Professions Act), as amended, namely the professional competence to perform the profession of a dental hygienist by a medical professional qualified to perform the medical profession pursuant to Section 17 of the Paramedical Professions Act, as amended.

The provider is obliged to provide medical services in the field of dentistry at the appropriate professional level, corresponding to the current state of medical knowledge, in accordance with the best interests of the patient’s health, taking into account specific conditions and objective options and in accordance with applicable regulations and internal regulations.

The provider keeps the patient’s medical records in accordance with applicable regulations and handles the information contained in the medical records in accordance with the principles of personal data protection and other legal regulations. Medical records are the property of the provider. Only the patient, their legal representatives, guardian, authorised persons and persons authorised to do so under applicable legal regulations may inspect and make extracts and copies from it. If the patient registers with another health services provider in the field of dentistry, the provider shall send to the new provider / physician an extract from the medical records only if requested.

The provider is obliged to inform the patient in a comprehensible manner to a sufficient extent about their health, about the proposed treatment procedure and its changes, as well as about the consequences and possible risks associated with this treatment procedure. The provider will acquaint the patient with all possible variants of treatment procedures and their cost.

The patient has the right to the provision of health services at the appropriate professional level. The patient also has other rights granted to them by applicable law.

The patient must:

  • follow the proposed treatment procedure
  • adhere to the agreed dates of examinations and preventive check-ups
  • follow the internal rules of the provider
  • pay the price of services and procedures which are not covered by public health insurance, according to the valid price list
  • truthfully inform the doctor about their medical condition and related matters
  • take appropriate care of their health so as to avoid all health risks
  • accept preventive examinations and preventive dental hygiene as a necessary part of the treatment procedure
  • provide cooperation during the medical procedure and control of the course of treatment
  • ensure a high standard of dental hygiene
  • inform the provider without undue delay about changes in their contact details and if they change their health insurance company

The patient hereby acknowledges that the provider offers a wide range of above-standard dentistry procedures (procedures with the help of an optical dental microscope, binocular loupes and other technology), with a focus on quality, precision and minimum invasiveness (gentle and painless procedures). When there are several treatment options in the area of above-standard care, the patient always has a choice of several options. The patient is always informed about possible options of care and their prices before the examination.

The provider provides the full range of health services only to registered patients or in cooperation with another dentist. To unregistered patients it only provides urgent care or care in cooperation with another dentist.

The patient can personally request a consultation, the content of which is a comprehensive examination using a dental microscope or other magnifying optics, as well as intraoral or extraoral X-ray, diagnostic camera and possibly other aids. Subsequently, the treatment plan and the preliminary price of the treatment are outlined. For more complex cases, a calculation with a treatment plan is processed. After his approval, the patient will be registered. In the case of minor patients, their legal representatives apply for registration. The provider decides on the acceptance of the registration without undue delay. The provider is entitled to refuse to admit a patient to care in cases stipulated by applicable legal regulations, especially if the patient’s admission would exceed the tolerable workload or is impossible due to operational reasons, staffing or technical and material equipment of the medical facility. In the event of a refusal to accept a patient into care, the patient has the right to receive a confirmation of this refusal and the reasons for it, which the provider will issue to them upon request.

A patient who has not visited the provider’s medical facility for 2 years is deemed to have registered with another healthcare provider in the field of dentistry. At their request, medical documentation is provided.

The patient is obliged to adhere to the agreed dates of individual examinations, preventive examinations and the plan of procedures of the dental hygienist. The agreed date is considered to be the date entered by the provider. The provider shall inform the patient orally, by phone, email or via SMS. Confirmation of the date of the online reservation is conditional upon the crediting of a reservation fee of CZK 500 to the account of the provider listed in the reservation system. The amount will be deducted from the performance price. The provider is entitled to change the dates under the previous sentence, and must inform the patient thereof orally, by telephone, email or via SMS. If the patient is unable to attend the agreed date, they will notify the provider at least 24 hours in advance, in case of online booking 72 hours in advance. The reservation fee will thus be returned to the patient's account. The patient acknowledges that in the event of their unexcused absence on the agreed date, the provider incurs damage proportional to the minute rate set for the provider’s medical facility.

In the event of the patient’s absence according to the previous paragraph, the patient and the provider hereby agree on a contractual penalty or in the cases listed below, the provider is entitled to terminate the client’s registration. The amount of the contractual penalty will be determined by a multiple of the provider’s minute rate, published in the provider’s valid price list according to the agreed planned length of treatment (provision of health care). The contractual penalty is payable on the day of such absence of the patient and the provider is entitled to subsequently charge it to the patient. In the event of an unexcused absence from an online reserved date, a reservation fee of 100% will be charged as a cancellation fee.

Before the actual treatment, the patient and their companions wait in a place designated and marked as the waiting room, until they are invited by the doctor or authorised staff (worker) to enter the doctor’s office. A toilet and a washbasin for oral hygiene are also available to the patient. Throughout their presence in the medical facility, the patient is obliged to refrain from any behaviour that could bother other patients with excessive noise, etc., or disrupt the operation of the medical facility, destroy and take away the facilities and equipment of the medical facility, especially the waiting room, including its equipment and magazines, which are freely available to patients in the waiting room. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the medical facility.

The order of patients admitted for examination is always determined by the provider / doctor. The patient arrives for treatment on the set date, i.e. on the agreed day and time (hereinafter the “agreed time”). The agreed time is the time from which the patient waits for treatment or other provision of health care and there is no entitlement to the provision of health care at this particular time.

Prior to treatment, the patient is obliged to present a health insurance card issued to them by their health insurance company if the patient intends to receive care paid for by public health insurance. If the patient does not prove their identity and the fact that they have valid public health insurance, the provider is not obliged to provide health services. If, despite this, the provider still provides the patient with a health service that would otherwise be covered by public health insurance, it is entitled to charge such a health service to the patient and the patient is obliged to pay the provider for this health service. Exceptions are cases of necessary and urgent care.

The goal of our work is a precisely treated patient who has healthy gums and teeth and a very good prognosis for the treatments performed.
In the event that the patient does not follow the treatment plan or its mutually agreed upon modifications, refuses inspections and the services of a dental hygienist, requests only acute unplanned treatment, it is recommended to look for another medical facility that better suits his needs.

The provider provides the patient with a medical service only with their consent, or with the consent of their legal representative or guardian.

The patient themselves is obliged to pay the provider any regulatory fees in accordance with applicable legislation.

The provider has contracts with the following health insurance companies:

  • VZP – General Health Insurance Company, 111
  • VoZP – Military Health Insurance Company, 201
  • ZPŠ – Škoda Employees’ Insurance Company, 209
  • ZPMVČR – Health Insurance Company of the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic, 211
  • OZP – Professional Health Insurance Company, 207
  • ČPZP – Czech Industrial Health Insurance Company, 205

The provider provides standard and above-standard dental care, which is time-consuming, technically and technologically demanding, and therefore cannot be fully covered by public health insurance. The goal of the provider is in the first place the quality of treatment, which leads to a long-term and aesthetically perfect solution. Below are treatments/procedures paid in full, in part or not covered by public health insurance:

Fully reimbursed treatment and procedures according to applicable legal regulations:

  • Intraoral small X-rays, local anaesthesia, standard dentoalveolar surgery, medications according to health insurance payments, some types of dental prostheses
  • Partially reimbursed treatment and procedures according to applicable legal regulations:
  • Some types of removable dental prostheses

Treatment not reimbursed by the health insurers:

Above-standard procedures performed with the help of optics (dental microscope or binocular loupes and other above-standard technological equipment) – entrance and preventive inspections, dental hygiene, aesthetic fillings, mechanical endodontic treatment, prosthetic treatment, CAD-CAM technology, diode laser procedures, implantological procedures and prosthetic procedures treatment of implants, some types of dental prostheses.

The price list of selected services and procedures is available on the provider’s website https://www.stomatologie-ujec.com (hereinafter the “website”) and will be available to the patient on request in the medical facility – at the reception.

The provider will communicate the individual price proposal to the patient on the basis of the examination prior to the treatment procedure. In the case of extensive reconstructive procedures, the doctor will prepare a price plan for the patient. Payment of the price is made in cash or by card on the provider’s premises or in agreement with the provider on the basis of the issued tax document. In selected cases, the provider may require a deposit of up to 50% of the price.

The provider’s minute rate is available on the provider’s website and will be available to the patient on request in the medical facility – at the reception, representing all costs of the provider including professional work, technologies used, standard and above-standard materials, disposable aids, laboratory products and the hygiene regime of the dental office. Special materials, implants and dental aids are not included in the minute rate and will be charged separately to the patient.

If the patient makes a deposit in advance with the provider, a “credit” (to a bank account, by credit card or in cash at the reception), payments for subsequent dental services will be deducted from this deposited credit. The provider will provide the patient with a voucher for dental hygiene services as a bonus. The issued vouchers can be used by the patient for any dental hygiene services, and they can be used to pay for these services in part or in full. Vouchers are marked with the date of issue and are valid for 12 months. The amount of the voucher for dental hygiene services depends on the amount of credit that the patient pays with the provider:

Deposited amount




5 %



5 %



5 %



5 %


* Vouchers apply to dental hygiene services

The provider’s office and business hours are published at the entrance to the office (medical facility) and also on the provider’s website.
Acute and urgent treatment is performed by the provider on working days based on telephone or personal agreement with the patient.
During business hours, a nurse/receptionist is present at the provider, who receives and handles patient requests submitted in person or by telephone.
Admission of patients for treatment ends 60 minutes before the end of the office hours.

The provider reserves the right to refuse to provide medical services, unless it is urgent care, if:

the patient has an influenza disease, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, angina, herpes disease of the lip or oral mucosa or other infectious diseases,
the patient shows signs of ingestion of alcoholic beverages or other addictive substances,
the patient is ill with Hepatitis C, AIDS and similar chronic or infectious diseases, of which the patient is obliged to notify the staff in advance.

The provider has the right to terminate the patient’s treatment for the following reasons:

  • the patient consistently does not follow the proposed treatment procedure
  • the patient has repeated unexcused absence – without a timely apology they do not show up for the agreed date
  • the patient does not follow the provider’s internal rules or restricts the rights of other patients
  • the patient’s requirements are contrary to the doctor’s professional opinion
  • for other legal reasons (operational or capacity reasons)

The provider provides a warranty of 6 months (from the moment of completion) for all fillings and prosthetic works (crowns, bridges). It provides a warranty for implants of 24 months.
The warranty does not apply to temporary work, endodontic treatment, dental procedures with the nature of services (dental hygiene, whitening, soft tissue procedures, etc.).
Reasons for total or partial refusal of the warranty are: negligence in relation to oral hygiene, disobedience of medical advice, incorrect use of prosthesis, untreated jaw joint dysfunction, systemic diseases affecting oral health (diabetes, epilepsy, osteoporosis, cytostatic treatment, etc.), injuries in the head and neck area with the possibility of injury to the teeth or jaw.
The patient must primarily file a complaint or claim directly with the provider, who must discuss the matter and settle it within the statutory time limit.

These terms and conditions are valid and effective from 1 November 2019. Any changes to these terms and conditions take effect on the date specified by the provider, but in relation to each patient only if the patient agrees to such a change. The patient’s signature is considered to be either the patient’s signature in paper form or a situation where the patient continues to use the health services provided by the provider even after a date specified by the provider as the effective date of the change in the contractual conditions. If the patient does not agree with the changes, they are obliged to refrain from using the health services provided by the provider after the date specified by the provider as the effective date of the change in the contractual conditions.
The terms and conditions are available to the patient on the website and at the reception of the medical facility.